"In the new economy, the people that companies are craving - and are willing to pay for - are people who add value to their enterprises. That means people with talent and skills and judgment."
These words appeared in the November 22, 2008 issue of The Australian and only reiterate my last blog point about human resource or, as the paper called it, "human capital".
I cannot stress more strenuously my objection to leveraging the minimum - is that why it is called "minimum wage"? We have to leverage the utmost of our arsenal; but we have to BUILD an arsenal to begin with.
For the next several weeks, we will address some areas that are vital to increase our "leveraging ability" specifically in relation to living The Significant Life.
Our next topic will be "Personality" - learning who we are and becoming more of what we really are.
(c) 2008, Dr. Kozhi Sidney Makai.
No part of this blog post may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder.
These words appeared in the November 22, 2008 issue of The Australian and only reiterate my last blog point about human resource or, as the paper called it, "human capital".
I cannot stress more strenuously my objection to leveraging the minimum - is that why it is called "minimum wage"? We have to leverage the utmost of our arsenal; but we have to BUILD an arsenal to begin with.
For the next several weeks, we will address some areas that are vital to increase our "leveraging ability" specifically in relation to living The Significant Life.
Our next topic will be "Personality" - learning who we are and becoming more of what we really are.
(c) 2008, Dr. Kozhi Sidney Makai.
No part of this blog post may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder.